Source code for ufjc.examples.error

"""An example module computing error as a function of stiffness.

This module contains a ``main`` function that allows the relative L2 error
to be computed for each of the asymptotic approaches, where the
approach to compare against is the exact approach, when available,
and the numerical quadrature approach otherwise.
The results are plotted using ``matplotlib``.
When executed at the command line, flags are passed as keyword arguments.

    Compute the relative L2 error when using the reduced and
    asymptotic approaches of approximating the isotensional
    single-chain mechanical response of the Morse-FJC model
    as a function of the nondimensional stiffness:


        python -m ufjc.examples.error --potential 'morse'


from scipy.integrate import quad

[docs]def main(**kwargs): r"""Main function for the module. This is the main function, called when executing the module from the command line, also available when importing the module. Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Passed to ``uFJC`` instantiation. Example: .. plot:: Plot the relative L2 error for a few different potentials: >>> import numpy as np >>> from ufjc.examples import error >>> error.main(potential='harmonic') >>> error.main(potential='log-squared') >>> error.main(potential='morse') >>> error.main(potential='lennard-jones') Example: Export .csv files for external use: >>> from ufjc.examples import error >>> error.main(potential='harmonic', csv=1) """ # Import external modules import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Import internal modules from ufjc import uFJC # Enumerate nondimensional energies temp = uFJC(**kwargs) scale = temp.varepsilon/temp.kappa varepsilons = np.logspace( np.log(scale*1e1)/np.log(10), np.log(scale*1e4)/np.log(10), int(kwargs.get('num_points', 3)) ) # Allocate space kappas = np.zeros(len(varepsilons)) L_2_rel_error_norm_asymptotic = np.zeros(len(varepsilons)) L_2_rel_error_norm_reduced = np.zeros(len(varepsilons)) # Loop over nondimensional energies for i, varepsilon in enumerate(varepsilons): # Create the single-chain model model = uFJC(varepsilon=varepsilon, **kwargs) kappas[i] = model.kappa # Upper limit of integration if hasattr(model, 'lambda_max'): upper_lim = model.lambda_max else: upper_lim = 0.3*model.varepsilon # Define the function to compare with def gamma_0(eta): if model.potential == 'harmonic': return model.gamma(eta, approach='exact') else: return model.gamma(eta, approach='quadrature') # Compute the relative L_2 error norm L_2_rel_error_norm_asymptotic[i] = np.sqrt( quad( lambda eta: ( model.gamma(eta, approach='asymptotic') - gamma_0(eta) )**2, model.minimum_float, upper_lim )[0]/quad( lambda eta: gamma_0(eta)**2, model.minimum_float, upper_lim )[0] ) L_2_rel_error_norm_reduced[i] = np.sqrt( quad( lambda eta: ( model.gamma(eta, approach='reduced') - gamma_0(eta) )**2, model.minimum_float, upper_lim )[0]/quad( lambda eta: gamma_0(eta)**2, model.minimum_float, upper_lim )[0] ) # Check if opted to export .csv files if (kwargs.get('csv', 0) == 1) is True: np.savetxt( './fig-error-' + str(model.potential) + '.csv', np.vstack(( L_2_rel_error_norm_asymptotic, L_2_rel_error_norm_reduced, kappas )).T, delimiter="," ) # Plot the L_2 error norm if not opted to export .csv files else: plt.figure() plt.loglog(kappas, L_2_rel_error_norm_asymptotic, 'o-', label='asymptotic', linewidth=1.5) plt.loglog(kappas, L_2_rel_error_norm_reduced, 'o-', label='reduced', linewidth=1.5) plt.legend() plt.xlabel(r'$\kappa$') plt.ylabel(r'$||\gamma - \gamma_0||_2/||\gamma_0||_2$') plt.title(model.potential + '-FJC isotensional relative error')
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover # Import external modules import argparse # Parse args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-u', '--potential', type=str, default='harmonic') # Parse arbitrary float args for arg in parser.parse_known_args()[1]: if arg.startswith('--'): parser.add_argument(arg.split('=')[0], type=float) # Execute main function with passed args as kwargs main(**vars(parser.parse_args()))