Source code for ufjc.examples.approaches

"""An example module comparing isotensional approaches.

This module contains a ``main`` function that allows the comparison of
different approaches of obtaining the single-chain mechanical response of
a given single-chain model in the isotensional ensemble.
The results are plotted using ``matplotlib``.
When executed at the command line, flags are passed as keyword arguments.

    Compare approaches, using 1000 samples for the Monte Carlo approach:


        python -m ufjc.examples.approaches --num_samples 1000


[docs]def main(**kwargs): r"""Main function for the module. This is the main function, called when executing the module from the command line, also available when importing the module. Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Passed to ``uFJC`` instantiation. Example: .. plot:: Plot and compare each approach for each available potential, including examples of polynomial and fully custom potentials, for :math:`\varepsilon=88`, keeping the harmonic result (EFJC) as a comparison for non-harmonic cases: >>> import numpy as np >>> from ufjc.examples import approaches >>> approaches.main(potential='harmonic') >>> approaches.main(potential='log-squared') >>> approaches.main(potential='morse') >>> approaches.main(potential='lennard-jones') >>> approaches.main(potential='mie', n=10, m=4) >>> approaches.main(potential='polynomial', ... coefficients=[1, 2, 3]) >>> approaches.main(potential='custom', ... varepsilon=88, ... phi=lambda lambda_: 1 - np.cos(lambda_ - 1), ... eta_link=lambda lambda_: 88*np.sin(lambda_ - 1), ... delta_lambda=lambda eta: np.arcsin(eta/88), ... kappa=88, ... c=2/3, ... lambda_max=1 + np.pi/2, ... eta_max=88) """ # Import external modules import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Import internal modules from ufjc import uFJC # Create the single-chain model model = uFJC(**kwargs) # Nondimensional forces to apply if kwargs.get('eta_max', None) is not None: eta_max = kwargs.get('eta_max', None) elif hasattr(model, 'eta_max'): eta_max = 0.95*model.eta_max else: eta_max = (0.5 + model.kappa/4) eta = np.linspace(1e-2, eta_max, int(kwargs.get('num_points_eta', 100))) eta_mc = np.linspace(eta[0], eta[-1], int(kwargs.get('num_forces', 5))) # Plot each available approach for the isotensional gamma(eta) plt.figure() if model.potential == 'harmonic': plt.plot(model.gamma(eta, approach='exact'), eta, label='exact', linewidth=2.5) else: model_h = uFJC(varepsilon=model.kappa, potential='harmonic') gamma_h = model_h.gamma(eta, approach='exact') plt.plot(gamma_h, eta, 'k-', label='(EFJC exact)', linewidth=1.5) plt.plot(model.gamma(eta, approach='asymptotic'), eta, '--', label='asymptotic', linewidth=2.5) plt.plot(model.gamma(eta, approach='reduced'), eta, '--', label='reduced', linewidth=2.5) plt.plot(model.gamma(eta, approach='quadrature'), eta, ':', label='quadrature', linewidth=4) plt.plot(model.gamma(eta_mc, approach='monte carlo', **kwargs), eta_mc, 'ko', label='Monte Carlo') plt.legend() plt.xlabel(r'$\gamma$') plt.ylabel(r'$\eta$') plt.xlim([-0.03, 1.08*model.gamma(eta[-1], approach='asymptotic')]) plt.title(model.potential + '-FJC isotensional ' + r'$\gamma(\eta)$')
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover # Import external modules import argparse # Parse args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-u', '--potential', type=str, default='harmonic') # Parse arbitrary float args for arg in parser.parse_known_args()[1]: if arg.startswith('--'): parser.add_argument(arg.split('=')[0], type=float) # Execute main function with passed args as kwargs main(**vars(parser.parse_args()))