
These are guidelines for contributing to the Python package ufjc. Contributors can open issues or creat pull requests.


Contributors can open new issues on the GitHub repository here. An issue can either report an existing bug, or request a new feature. Contributors should ensure that their candidate issue does not match an existing open issue before opening it. If a closely-related but incomplete open issue exists, contributors should comment on the existing open issue.

Bug Reports

A new bug report can be opened here.

Feature Requests

A new feature request can be opened here. Feature requests that are deemed feasible will be considered by the developers, and could even be addressed by a contributor through a pull request. Feature requests that are deemed infeasible will likely be denied.

Pull Requests

Contributors can propose changes to the code in the repository by creating a pull request as follows:

  • Fork the base repository by clicking the fork button here.

  • Clone the forked repository, make changes, and push them back to the fork.

  • Create a pull request between the base and forked repositories here.

  • Wait for the pull request to be either approved or dismissed. Approval and subsequent merging of pull requests is contingent upon:

    • The tests are all passing, resulting in a high (desirably, complete) code coverage, and any changes are properly tested.

    • The documentation is successfully built, and any changes are properly documented.

    • The changes provide an appropriate and substantial improvement to the repository.